Subscription Page: Support Tab

The Support tab summarizes the information about support packages that your company has purchased and used, together with amounts to be paid for them.
The tab contains the following fields and buttons:


Used for

Buy support package

Click on the button will open a Buy support package section where the administrator may purchase additional support package for the company.

One company may possess multiple Builders and applications, developed with those Builders, although the support package is purchased for the company and may be used for all Builders and applications in its possession.

Revoke support package

Click on the downward arrow next to the Buy support package button to reveal this option.

Click on the option will open a Revoke support package section where the administrator may cancel available support packages for the company.

If you need to remove a certain number of support packages, at first delete them from the list of Purchased support packages. A number of packages that can be deleted is equal to the number of packages in the field Available of the Purchased support packages section.


Buy support package section


Used for

Support service

The field displays the type of the support service that is available for purchase. Types include:

  • Prepaid package support
  • Pay per case package support


Provide the number of support packages that you intend to purchase for the company.


The field displays the number of support hours that are about to be purchased.

  • The field is calculated automatically and cannot be overridden manually.


The field shows the amount to be paid for a chosen number and type of support packages per one chosen payment period.

  • The field is calculated automatically and cannot be overridden manually.

Confirm button

Click on the button to confirm the latest changes in this section.

Revoke support package section


Used for


Choose the number of support packages that you intend to revoke. In the next payment period, you will not pay for them.

Confirm button

Click on the button to confirm the latest changes in this section.

Purchased support packages section
All the fields in this section are for information purposes and cannot be overridden manually.


Used for


The field displays the project that you have purchased support packages for.

  • One project may include several applications that were developed with one Builder.

Purchased hours

The field shows the total number of purchased support packages.

Used hours

The field shows the number of support packages that are in use.

Available hours

The field shows the number of support packages that are purchased but not yet used up.


The field shows the amount to be paid for a chosen number and type of support packages per one chosen payment period.


Used support section


Used for


 The field displays the orderly number of the entry, that represents the case of the support package use.


 The field displays the name of the case of the support package use.


 The field displays the number of hours spent on solving the case issue.


More information

Subscription Page
Subscription Page: General Area
Subscription Page: User Licenses Tab
Subscription Page: Developer Licenses Tab
Subscription Page: Builders Tab
Subscription Page: Containers Tab
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