VAT Return: General Area


Use this area to select a VAT office to which you will submit the VAT Return, enter the start date and the end date of the accounting period for which you want to create the VAT Return, set the date of the VAT Return document and trigger the completion of all fields of the VAT Return.
General Area Field


Used for

VAT registration

Select a VAT registration number representing a country where you have performed certain business operations and where you have to file a VAT return to the tax authorities to inform them of how much VAT you have to pay or how much VAT you should be reimbursed for a specific accounting period.

Date from

The start date of the accounting period for which you want to create the VAT Return.

Date to

The end date of the accounting period for which you want to create the VAT Return.


The document is assigned the serial number (#) automatically when you save the VAT Return based on the selected numerator. The serial number is used for accounting transactions.  

Only users with the appropriate permissions can override the auto-generated number and enter it manually.

After overriding the serial number, automated numbering will proceed in the same manner but using the manually set number as a start value.


Date field is automatically assigned the datetime when the new VAT Refund document was created (added). Date field indicates the posting datetime and the document datetime.

You can override the auto-generated date and enter it manually.

The Fill button
Click the Fill button to fill in your VAT Return.
Note: You cannot complete the VAT Return manually, nor can you edit the details provided on the click of the Fill button. The information required to fill in the Return is provided automatically when you click the button. The data is fetched from the following documents created and posted within the specified accounting period: Invoice, Purchase Invoice, Debit note,Credit note, Manual transaction.
More information
VAT Return: Declaration Tab
VAT Return: Details Tab
Номери платника ПДВ
Повернення від клієнта
Повернення постачальнику
Ручні проведення