Export: General Area

Use this area to create a new export entry and provide its details.

The area consists of the following fields and options:


Used for


Choose the name of the bank that will receive the exported payments to process.

Date from

Start date of the export period. The field is filled in manually and defines the range of payments to be exported.

Date to

End date of the export period. The field is filled in manually and defines the range of payments to be exported.

Fill data button

Click the button to fill a list of payments for the file in Payments tab.

Document-Related Information


Used for


Document number is assigned automatically when you save the export document based on the selected numerator.

Users with the appropriate permissions can override the auto-generated number and enter it manually.

After overriding the export document number, automated numbering will proceed in the same manner but using the manually set number as a start value.


Date field is automatically assigned the date when the new export document was created.

Date field indicates the posting date, the document date as well as the date when the export is to take place/ took place.

You can override the auto-generated date and enter it manually.

  • It is a required field. If document date is not specified, you will not be able to save the document.


Status of the entry in the system, may be defined as:

  • New – status appears after the entry is created and saved in the system.
  • Exported - status appears after the file with payments is created and downloaded.
  • Confirmed - status appears when the file with exported payments is confirmed by the respective bank.
  • Rejected - status appears when the file with exported payments is rejected by the respective bank.
  • Bank statementstatus appears when the export is confirmed by the Bank account statement.

The field is filled in automatically and can not be changed.

Statuses Confirmed and Rejected define the statuses of all individual transactions in the entry, although each individual transaction may change the general status of the entry.


Add any extra details or comments about your make payment export entry.

After filling the fields of General area, you may use the following buttons to create a file with payments to export:


Used for

Create file button

Click the button to create a file with payments to be exported.


Section will contain the file with payments, that will be generated by the system after click on Create file button.

More information

Make Payment Export
Create a New Make Payment Export Record
Export: Pаyments Tab