Manage Tree Structure

You can manage a tree structure by expanding or collapsing it, reorganizing the position of its elements; creating, deleting and renaming folders, adding files to it.

Hiding and Unhiding Tree Structure

By default, tree structures are displayed on listing pages of Codejig ERP sections for which they are available. However, you can hide them if necessary.

To do that:

  • In the toolbar area of the listing page, click the folder icon.
The icon becomes blued and the tree structure is hidden.


  • Above the tree structure, click the minimize button.

To unhide it:

  • In the toolbar area of the listing page, click the folder icon again.

Expanding and Collapsing Tree Structure

The tree structure is displayed collapsed by default. To expand it:

  • Click the Plus icon next to the main folder representing the highest level of organization.

The next level of the hierarchy will be displayed.  

To drill down to lower levels of the tree structure:

  • Click the Plus icon next to the folders or items you want to expand.

If you want to expand all the elements in the subfolder:

  • Right-click the folder or item, and then select Expand.

The expand all function is also available for tree structures.
To see a tree structure fully expanded:
  • Right-click the main folder, and then click Expand.
As a result, the tree structure will be fully expanded to its lowest level.

To collapse expanded tree structure:
  • Click the Minus icon next to an expanded grouping/folder or item you wish to collapse.
Folders vs Items
While defining the content and organization of a tree structure, you deal with folders and items.
Items are data files (documents or records) that have been created.
Folders are used for grouping and categorizing items.
Typically, you create a folder and locate various items under it.
When you create new documents or records, they are not hierarchically organized in a tree structure. They are merely listed as items under the main folder being sorted according to their serial number. You have to manually create folders and move items.
To create a folder:
  • Right-click the folder, and then click Create.
A new folder appears under the main folder forming the second level of the structure.
To move items under a folder:
  • Drag a desired item, hover it over a folder under which you wish to locate it (the folder is then marked blue) and drop the item.
The item is successfully moved to the folder forming the third level of the hierarchy.
You can move several items to the folder.
Note: You can rearrange items or folders located at the same or different levels. If you move a folder that is not empty, all its content will be moved as well.
You can also locate items under other items. In doing so, you establish a parent-child relationship between them. You can either move an item under another one or directly create a child item for existing items.
To create a child item:
1. Right-click an item for which you want to create a child item, and then click Add item.
You are taken to page for providing details of a document or a record.
2. Enter necessary details, and then click Save.
Return to the tree structure. The newly created item appears in the structure under another item.

Folder and Item Commands
All in all, the following commands can be performed on folders and items.
To access available commands:
  • Right-click a folder/ item which you want to manage.
Folder Commands



Add item

Creates and adds a new item to a folder.

By clicking  Add item, you are taken to a page for defining details of a new document/record.  After providing all the necessary information, click Save and return to the tree structure. The newly created item (document/record) is located under the selected folder.


Creates and adds a new folder to under a selected folder.


Renames a folder.

By default, new folders forming the same level are named New folder.  However, you can rename them.

To do that, follow the procedure below.

  1. Right-click a folder, and then click Rename.
  2. Enter a name for the folder.
  3. Click anywhere on the page.
  • You can rename folders at any time. Not only newly created ones.


Deletes a folder.

  • If a folder contains other folders or items, they will be deleted as well.


Expands a collapsed folder.

Note: Delete and Rename commands are unavailable for the main folder.
Item Commands



Add item

Creates and adds a child item for a selected item.


The command is available only for items having child items.

It expands the collapsed parent items.   

Tree structure vs Listing Table
After you click a specific folder or item of the tree structure, the listing table displays only those data files that appear/are located under this particular folder/item. All other documents/records disappear from the table. If no data files have been previously added at this level, nothing is displayed in the listing table.
If you click the +Add new button above the listing table after selecting a particular folder or item of the tree structure, the newly created data file will be placed directly under this folder/item.

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