Pages in Codejig ERP: Listing and Form Pages

Regardless of whether you create invoices, list currencies you deal with or generate reports, all sections of Codejig ERP are of the same structure. Whatever document, directory or report you access it consist of a listing page and a form page.
A Listing page which is a table that contains the summary of created documents or records.
For example, all created invoices are shown as entries of the table on the listing page of the Invoice document.
Listing page is the first page you are taken to when you access any section of Codejig ERP. From it, you go to a page for defining new documents.
  • To create a new document or record, you click the +Add new button on the listing page.
On clicking the button a form page opens.
A Form page is a page for entering details of a single document, report or record.
Each form page consists of a number of fields you fill in to create a specific document or record.
After entering all required details on a form page, you click Save.
For information about other saving options, see Buttons and Action Menus.
As a result, a created data file is displayed as a table row on the listing page.
Fields you fill in on the form page are presented as headers of table columns. Values you enter into the fields are shown in the corresponding cells of table entries.
For more information about fields displayed on the listing page, see Manage Listing Pages.
To open the created document, you click its table entry.
For instance, to check a particular invoice, you go to the Invoice document and click an invoice table entry to see a specific invoice/ invoice details represented by this entry.
Such division allows you to easily access and navigate all your created documents and records.
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