Settings Icon

You click the More tools icon (the Gear wheels icon) to open the More tools panel which consists of two tabs and allows you to view recently triggered actions, user accounts and settings of Codejig ERP.
On click of the icon, the More tools panel appears on the right side of a screen, and you can switch between Personal Jobs and Additional Functionality tabs to
  • either view last system actions under the Personal and System Jobs tabs
  • or browse user accounts and settings in Additional Functionality tab
Personal Jobs Tab 
Since the recent history is periodically cleared, you can find only the last 50 actions triggered within the system displayed under the Personal Jobs tab. Such actions as posting/unposting documents, creating, modifying or deleting data files are displayed.
You can see the name of an action that took place, its status (Success, Failed, Running) and time when the action was performed.
If you click the action, the Info window opens and you can see its details, such as
  • Time when it was triggered (date and time)
  • Time when it started (date and time)
  • Time taken to complete the action in ms.
  • Info, warning or error messages regarding the action
To close the Info window, click the action once again.
Additional Functionality Tab
You go to the Additional functionality tab to access the system jobs, user accounts and system settings of Codejig ERP. 

  • System Jobs page allows you to browse the log of global events, see who invoked them, when the event was started and finished. 
    For more information about system jobs, see System Jobs Page.

  • User Accounts page allows you to browse users who have access to the current application, their role and whether user is local and active. In case user does not have administer rights his access to the application can be restricted on this page, if needed. In order to do that move the corresponding slider in the field Is active? to the left. 

  • Settings page allows you to configure the behavior of the resulting application.
    For more information about settings, see System Settings Page.

More information
System Jobs Page
System Settings Page