System Settings Page

System Settings Page allows to configure the behavior of the resulting application.

Fields highlighted in bold can be changed both on the builder and on the application. After deploy, such fields are updated on the application only when the option "Force update all instances of type data" is selected.

All other fields can be changed only in the builder. They are always updated after deploy.

General page

Property tab
App name
Appears in the top left corner when the menu is expanded and on the login page of the application.
Appears in the informational pop over (in the top right corner) concatenated with the build number ({Version}.{Build Number}).
Default menu. Can be overridden by the menu property in the preferences section of a data type.
Can be used in blocks for any needs. Is used in reports for grouping timestamp fields by day, month, year, hour or minute.
Start page
Defines where a user will be redirected to upon visiting the root of the application ("/").
"Create new instance" - shows a page with a new instance of the selected type.
"Run system instance" - opens the selected instance.
Post/Unpost single document Be aware, enabling this property could lead to inconsistencies in the database. Disables behaviour when all documents with the bigger document date will be re-posted after the current one.
Post all documents in single transactionDefault mode. When a document is posted all documents with the bigger document timestamp will be re-posted in the same transaction as well. As a result, if an exception occurs at any stage of this process the entire transaction will be rollbacked (no changes to any document will be made).
Post each document in separate transactionThe document and all other documents that need to be re-posted (documents with the bigger timestamp) will be posted in separate transactions. If an exception occurs we will not rollback successfully posted documents.
Use Codejig authentication Shows "Log in with Codejig" button on the login page.
Use in-app authentication Shows username and password fields that allows app-only users to log in into the application.

Permissions tab

Property nameDescription
Default Default permission.  Can be overridden by the permission property in the preferences section of a data type.
Search Controls visibility of the search input on the top of a page.
View jobs pageControls access to the "System Jobs" page.
View Personal Jobs Controls visibility of the personal jobs sidebar.
View export pageControls access to "/export" page.
View import pageControls access to "/import" page.
View Document TimelineControls access to "/documentTimeline/view" page.

SEO tab

Property nameDescription
Robots Text
Text that will be a response to the GET "/robots.txt" request.

Routes tab

To create a custom URL, click on the Add New button to open the Add route window. In the URL field, input your custom URL starting with a forward slash.

Click on the Action field and select the action. It could be Create new, Open in edit mode, Open in read mode, or View all.  Create new opens the page where the user can create a new instance of the data type. Open in read and edit mode directs the users to the page where they can update an existing instance of the data type. View all opens the page with collections of all instances of the data type.

For the Type name field, you need to select the data type or destination (web page) of the URL. Note that it is possible to select only the Type Kind that has web pages (Documents, Reports, and Directory).

Next, select the view you want from the View field and click OK. Note that If Create new, Open in edit mode, or Open in read mode is selected, then the view option will be page view. If View all is selected from the Action field, the view option will be a Table view. If no view is selected, then the default view will be used.

To edit a Route you have created, click on the URL to open the Edit route window. From there, you can make the necessary changes. Once you are done, click OK. To delete a custom route, click on the recycle bin icon at the right-end of the row.

Aliases help the users to add alternative domains to their apps. To add an alias, click on the Manage aliases link next to the Add new button. In the next window, select the app you wish to add an alias from the Selected app drop-down menu. Now, input the new domain in the New domain field and click Add new. Save the changes once you are done.

Once the alias has been added, you can link the domain to any page in your app when creating a new route. This can be done by selecting it from the Alias drop-down menu in the Add route window. If no alias is specified, the route will be used with all aliases. If the alias is specified, the route is used only with that alias.