Bank Account Statement Import: General Area

Use this area to upload a new bank account statement and provide its details.

The area consists of the following fields and options:


Used for


Choose a bank for reconciliation from the list.  

Date from

An Initial date for bank statement period that is a date of the first transaction in the uploaded file. The field is automatically filled by the system and can not be changed manually.

Date to

Final date for bank statement period that is a date of the last transaction in the uploaded file. The field is automatically filled by the system and can not be changed manually.


Upload your bank reconciliation document in the appropriate format.

  • Formats of the file that are supported by the system, are defined by the system configuration developers.

Load data button

On click on the button, the system will automatically fetch the data from the file to the Transactions tab.

Document-related Information


Used for


Document number is assigned automatically when you save the bank account statement import document based on the selected numerator.

Users with the appropriate permissions can override the auto-generated number and enter it manually.

After overriding the bank account statement import document number, automated numbering will proceed in the same manner but using the manually set number as a start value.


Date field is automatically assigned the date when the new bank account statement import document was created.

Date field indicates the posting date, the document date as well as the date when the movement is to take place/took place.

  • You can override the auto-generated date and enter it manually.
  • It is a required field. If document date is not specified, you will not be able to save the document.


Specify bank account statement status. In Codejig ERP there are five bank account statement statuses:

  • Already importedStatus appears in case transaction has already been imported earlier and the current one is the same. Status prevents duplicates in the system.
  • Does not need to be recognizedStatus appears when transaction of amounts from one bank account to another takes place. Debit or credit part used in transaction will receive this status.
  • Our make payment - Status appears when the imported document is our make payment received from the bank after reconciliation.
  • RecognizedStatus appears when all the fields in the transaction are filled in correctly, either automatically right after the bank file was uploaded, or after some manual fixes. Status 'Recognized' is the only status that allows any further actions with transaction.
  • UnrecognizedStatus appears when the transaction has some fields not filled after the bank file was uploaded. When issues in fields are manually fixed, status will be changed to 'Recognized'.


Add any extra details or comments about your bank statement import entry.

More information

Bank Account Statement Import
Bank Account Statement Import
Import a New Bank Account Statement
Bank Account Statement Import: Transactions Tab