Import a New Bank Account Statement

To import a new bank account statement:

  1. On the Codejig ERP Main menu, select the Banking module, then Bank account statement import directory and then Bank account statement import page.

A listing page of importing bank account statement entries opens.

  1. On the listing page, click +Add new.

You are taken to the page for importing a new bank account statement and entering its details.

Note: To create a new import entry, you have to primarily have the file with reconciliation information, received from your bank.

  1. Import the bank account statement by completing the following steps:

3.1. Upload your bank reconciliation document in an appropriate format.

Note: Formats of the file that are supported by the system, are defined by the system configuration developer.

3.2. From the list of the Type field, choose a bank for reconciliation.

3.3. Click the Load data button.

The system will automatically fetch the data from the file to the Transactions tab. 

  1. Provide other information about the bank account statement in the fields provided.

  2. Click Save.

The window for creating a new import entry consists of two areas:
  • General area
  • Transactions tab.


More information

Bank Account Statement Import: General Area
Bank Account Statement Import