Types of Company Account Users

This article explains the features of different Company Account users and is intended for Company Account administrators.
Types of Company Account users include:

  • Application users
    • Regular Codejig users
    • Local users
  • Developers
  • Administrators
The administrator begins with creating a list of users for the Company Account. Those users might be regular Codejig users or local users. Regular Codejig users might also additionally receive administrative or developer access to Company Account. In case the person does not own a Codejig Account yet, he/she still may be added to the list.
Types of users in Company Accounts are not related to secure access and user roles. To learn more about access permissions, user roles and in-app security see Users, Roles and Permissions.
Regular Codejig user
The recommended and simplest way to make a list of Company Account users is to add regular Codejig users. The regular Codejig user is any user of the Codejig platform. A person becomes the user of the platform when he/she creates a Codejig Account. Authentication for regular users can be done through Google/Facebook or Codejig servers.

To add a new Codejig user to the list of the Company Account users:

1. In the Codejig Account start page go to the Main menu and click the Users page.
2. On the Users page, click the Invite new Codejig user button.
3. In the field that opens, add an email for an invitation and click the Add user button.

The email owner will receive the invitation to join the Company Account and a link to the registration form in case he/she does not own a Codejig Account yet. Alternatively, he/she can use Google or Facebook credentials to sign up for Codejig. In any case, the user will be immediately added as a potential one to the list of Company Account users.
Local user
In case you do not want to be depended on the Internet connection or Codejig servers, you may create local users for a particular ERP application. Local users cannot use the Codejig platform and their authentication is made without the Codejig server.

You have to create their credentials and give them to local users in any suitable way. This will not involve the Codejig platform.
To create a new local user:

1. In the Codejig Account homepage go to the Main menu and click the Users page.
2. On the Users page, click the Add local user button.
3. Fill in the fields Login, Password, First name and Last name and click the Add button.
Created user will be added to the list of Codejig Account users with the status Active.
Note: Number of local users and regular Codejig users for a particular Company Account and its ERP depends on the number of available user licenses and the subscription plan purchased for that Company Account.
A developer is a user who has the access to Builder and may customize one or multiple ERPs according to company needs. Although the developer has the ability to customize the applications, he might not be their user at the same time and might not have the access to them.
Note: Number of developers for a particular Company Account and its ERP depends on the number of available developer licenses and the subscription plan purchased for that Company Account.
Developer access is granted in a user profile of the particular Company Account User.

By default, the person who signs up for and buys an ERP application for business subscription gets admin permissions. That person can assign admin permissions to other Codejig Account owners to help them manage ERP for their company.

Potentially, each user that has a Codejig Account, has the opportunity to create a new Company Account and thus become its administrator.
The administrator is able to manage the Company Account and its users by:
  • managing subscription plans for ERP and Builder, along with setting payment periods and purchasing different additional licenses
  • managing payments for the ERP application use
  • making changes in company account data
  • creating more administrators and local users, inviting new Codejig users, remove users, and change user roles (including other account administrators)
  • receiving notifications from Codejig service support specialists
  • creating tickets for troubleshooting and managing support plans.
Each Company Account has to have at least one administrator. The last administrator left cannot be deleted or made inactive.
The Company Account administrator has to separately allocate himself access to the ERP application that belongs to this account or customize it by using Builder, e.g. become the Company Account developer.
In different Company Accounts, the owner of the Codejig Account may have a different set of roles.
Administrator access is granted in a user profile of the particular Company Account user.
More information
Create a New Codejig Account
Create a New Company Account