Viewing event log

How to View User Activity

1. Accessing the Event Log

The Event Log is a tool that allows an administrator or authorized user to view actions performed by users in the system. To access the Event Log, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system with an account that has administrator privileges.
  2. Click the wrench icon in the upper-right corner of the window.
  3. From the menu that appears, select "Event log".

2. Event Log Elements

The Event Log displays the following information:

  • Received — the time when the system received the request.
  • Started — the time when the action began execution.
  • Result — the outcome of the action (e.g., "SUCCESS" or another status).
  • Kind — the type of action (e.g., "CREATE", "UPDATE", "CUSTOM_EVENT").
  • State — the execution state (e.g., "DONE").
  • Taken time — the time taken to execute the action.
  • User — the name of the user who performed the action.
  • Targets size — the number of documents modified. If the number of modified documents is greater than zero, a link icon will appear next to the number. Clicking it opens a detailed page with the list of modified objects.

3. Filtering and Searching

The Event Log allows filtering data by various parameters, such as:

  • The time the action was received or started.
  • The type of action ("CREATE", "UPDATE", "PERIODIC", etc.).
  • The result of the action ("SUCCESS", "ERROR", etc.).
  • The name of the user.

To use filtering:

  1. Click the filter icon at the top of the Event Log.
  2. Enter the criteria for the search (e.g., select a specific user or time period).
  3. Click the confirmation button to apply the filter.

4. Purpose

The Event Log is used for:

  • Analyzing user actions in the system.
  • Identifying errors in process execution.
  • Verifying the execution of automated processes.
  • Tracking changes to documents.

This feature enhances the transparency of system operations and simplifies the management of user activity.