Batch Post and Unpost Documents

To batch post several or all documents of a specific document type
1.Go to the listing page of a specific document type. For example, go to the listing page of the Invoice document. 
2. Do one of the following:
2.1. If you want to post several documents, select table entries representing documents you wish to post.
2.2. On the toolbar, click the Selected button.
2.3. On the Actions menu, click Post.
As a result, selected documents get posted. 
2.1. If you want to post all created documents of a particular type, select the checkbox in the header area of a table.
 As a result, all documents displayed in the table will be selected.
Note: By default, the table retrieves and displays 50 documents at a time. If you have created more than 50 documents, you have to first load them all to be able to batch post them.
2.2. On the toolbar, click the Selected button.
2.3. On the Actions menu, click Post.
As a result, all documents get posted. 
To batch post documents representing different document types or to batch post all documents created in the system:
1. Go to the Timeline section of Codejig ERP.
2. Do one of the following:
2.1. If you want to batch post several documents representing various document types, select table entries representing documents you wish to post.
Note: In the Timeline, you can also batch post documents of a single document type as well as individual documents.
2.2. On the toolbar, click the Post button. 
As a result, selected documents will get posted. 
2.1. If you want to batch post all existing documents, load all existing entries to the Timeline table by clicking the Load all button below the table.
Note: By default, the table retrieves and displays 50 documents at a time. If you have created more than 50 documents, you have to first load them all to be able to batch post them.
2.2. Select the checkbox in the header area of a table.
As a result, all documents displayed in the table will be selected.
2.3. On the toolbar, click the Post button.
As a result, all documents created across the system will get posted.
To batch unpost several or all documents of a single document type or of different document types, follow the associated batch posting procedures described above, except the steps where you are required to click the Post command or the Post button, instead click the Unpost command or the Unpost button. 
Note: Batch posting or batch unposting of all existing documents may take a considerable amount of time. 
More information
Posting and Unposting Functionality