
Timeline is a section of Codejig ERP that displays all documents created across the system. It is similar to a listing page because it contains the summary of all existing documents being shown as table entries. By default, documents in the Timeline are sorted by document date in descending order, newest to oldest.

The following details are displayed about each document in the Timeline:



Document timestamp

The timestamp designates date and time when a document was created.

Serial number

Number of a document that was assigned to it either automatically based on the selected numerator or manually by users with appropriate permissions.

Data type

The data type designates the type of the selected document.

You can use the Timeline for:

  • Getting an easy access to all existing documents that are scattered across the system in one place.
Note: You cannot view deleted documents in the Timeline.
  •  Running batch posting, unposting or reposting.
For more information about batch posting, unposting and reposting, see Batch Posting and Unposting.

Since all existing documents are displayed in one table, the batch posting and the batch unposting processes are facilitated because all documents can be selected for posting/unposting.

Regarding the batch reposting process, the Timeline makes it more transparent/ visual, as you can see which particular documents will be reposted because of changes introduced to a particular document, its deletion or unposting.  

  • Posting individual documents

For information how to post or unpost documents in the Timeline, see Posting and Unposting Functionality.

You can sort or filter documents in the Timeline using standard sorting or filtering functionality.

For more details, see Sorting Data and Filtering Data.

To go to the Timeline:

  • On the Codejig ERP Main menu, click the Timeline tab.
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