Filter Data

Codejig ERP enables you to filter data in tables and reports to display only the information you need and hide the rest.
There are different types of tables in Codejig ERP that you can filter:
  • Listing pages containing summaries of created documents or records.
  • Tables containing added line items.
  • Report tables.
For information about listing pages, see Concept of Pages in Codejig ERP: Listing and Form Pages.
Data is filtered by fields that are presented as headers of table columns.
Note: You can filter tables even by fields that form hidden columns.
When you apply filters, the system shows only the rows of tables that meet specified filter conditions, other rows being hidden.
You can filter information by more than one field. Each next filter is based on filters applied and further narrows down data in a table.
To display all of the data, you clear filters applied.
Note: When refreshing pages containing filtered tables, the applied filters are maintained. 
To filter data in tables, follow the procedure below:
1. In Codejig ERP, access a table you want to filter.  
2. On the toolbar above a table, click the Filter (pic) button.
The Filter menu appears.
3. From the Fields list, select a field by which you want to filter data in the table. The list displays fields presented as headers of columns of the selected table.
4. Select one of the comparison operators according to which you want to filter the rows.
5. In the Values field, enter or select the criteria for filtering.
6. Click Apply to set the filter.
The filter is displayed in the toolbar area.
The procedure of setting filters for data rendered in reports partially differs from the general procedure described above. 

For information how to define filters for reports, see Setting Filters in Reports.   
To clear created filters:
  • Click the Cross icon next to the filter you wish to remove.
If you want to clear all added filters:
  • Click the drop-down arrow next to the Filter (pic) button, and then click Clear filters.
The Clear filters command is unavailable if no filters have been applied.
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