Filter Menu

The Filter menu allows you to specify filter conditions based on which Codejig ERP will display the information you want to see and hide the rest.
To open this menu, access a table you wish to filter, and then click the Filter (pic) button in the toolbar.
The filter menu consists of:
  • Fields list
Select a field by which data is to be filtered.
The list displays fields that form columns of the selected table. Fields shown as headers of hidden columns are included in the list as well.
  • Comparison operators
Select one of the comparison operators to specify the rule for filtering data in a table by a chosen field.
Generally, the following operators are available:

Comparison operator

Used to


Displays/Searches for all rows where value of the specified field equals the value indicated for comparison in the Value field.

Not Equal

Displays/Searches for all rows where value of the specified field does not match the value indicated for comparison in the Value field.

Less than

Displays/Searches for all rows where value of the specified field is less than the value indicated for comparison in the Value field.

Greater than

Displays/Searches for all rows where value of the specified field is greater than the value indicated for comparison in the Value field.

Less than or equal to

Displays/Searches for all rows where value of the specified field is less than or equal to the value indicated for comparison in the Value field.

Greater than or equal to

Displays/Searches for all rows where value of the specified field is greater than or equal to the value indicated for comparison in the Value field.

Empty / Null

Finds and displays rows where the specified field has no value.

  • Zero does not represent the absence of any value. It is considered a value.  

Not empty / Not Null

Searches for rows where the specified field has a value.

  • Zero does not represent the absence of any value. It is considered a value.  

Like / Contains

The operator is used only with text fields.

It searches for and displays rows where the value of the specified text field matches the value indicated for comparison in the Value field.

For example, when searching for "Dr", it finds all rows where the Title field contains the word “Dr” or derivatives of that word, such as “Dr.".

However, the selection of comparison operators that are available in each individual case depends on the type of selected field. Operators are not compatible with all field types. For example, arithmetic comparison operators are not applicable to Text fields and Contains operator is not compatible with numeric fields. So, if you decide to filter data by the Name field (which is a text field), such operators as Less than, Greater than, Less than or equal to, Greater than or equal to, Equal and Not Equal will not be available.
  • Value 
Depending on a type of the specified field, enter or select the criteria/ value for filtering data.
For instance, to see total amounts that are larger than or equal to 5 000, enter 5 000 in the Value field. Or, if you want to see all invoices issued by a specific sales manager, select a particular employee from the list.

  • Apply button
Confirms filter conditions and sets the filter.  
More information
Filter Data