Warehouse: Charts Tab

Use the Charts tab to create and analyze charts displaying the stock balance of each stock item stored in the warehouse.
The report is not available for newly created warehouses as there is no inventory data to be processed yet. Only when relevant transactions for a new warehouse take place, the reports can retrieve and analyze information from those transactions and render this data as charts.  
There are two types of the stock balance report you can generate: 
  • Report showing stock balance as of a specific date (Stock balances type)
Stock balance report can be created to display the stock balance of each item in form of a pie chart as on a date specified in the On date field.
To create such pie chart
1. From the Type of balances list, select Stock balances.
2. In the On date field, indicate the date.
The chart displaying the stock balance of each item by its amount (value) is created automatically when you select the date. The total amount of all items stored in the warehouse is indicated as well.
To see what item is represented by a certain amount on the chart, hover a slice of the chart showing the specific amount.
  • Report showing stock balance dynamics over a certain period of time (Extended stock balances type)
Stock balance report can be created to show how the stock balance of each item has been changing over a particular period of time. The report displays data in the form of a component bar graph by months.
To create such bar graph report
1. From the Type of balances list, select Extended stock balances.
2. Indicate the period for which the report is to be created by specifying the Date from and Date to.
The bar graph is generated automatically showing the stock balance of each item by its amount (value) as at the beginning of the month. Negative balances are shown as well if present.    
To see what item along with its amount is represented by a certain component, hover the component.  
You can also remove data about a particular item from the charts. To do that
  • In the legend area of the chart, hover a data label information about which you wish to delete and click it.
The label becomes struck-through and the data represented by the label is not rendered on the chart anymore.

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