Delete Warehouses

You can delete a warehouse unless

  • It is used by sales, purchase and inventory documents, the Recognition document, the Initial balances document and the Manual transaction document.
  • Warehouse sections are linked to it.
  • The inventory replenishment rules are defined for a warehouse linking it to the Purchase order generator directory for inventory management purposes.
If you try to delete a warehouse that has any of the described above connections, you will get an error message.
If you still want to delete such warehouse, you have to delete all documents and records that refer to it as well as warehouse sections created for the warehouse. Then you can try to delete this warehouse once again.
To remove the warehouse from the system
1. Under the Inventory tab, click Warehouse.
2. On the Warehouse listing page, select a table entry representing the warehouse you want to delete.
3. Click the Selected button.
4. On the Selected menu, click Delete, and then click Yes.
For other ways how to delete a warehouse, see Delete Data.
Warehouses, which are longer in use but cannot be deleted for any reasons, can be deactivated. Inactive warehouses are not available for selection or use and are accessible only on the listing page of the Warehouse directory. 
More information 
Create a New Warehouse