Currency Exchange Rate

Currency exchange rate is a document in Banking module of Codejig ERP, that keeps the record of exchange rates of the currencies, previously set in the system (for more information and tips see Getting started) compared to the currency of your system.

Note: It is highly advisable to set the currency of your system first (My company settings), and then create or import a set of currency exchange rates to ensure a correct calculation of exchange rates in sales and purchases documents in the future. 

This is a stand-alone type of document that does not make any changes in inventory or total amounts. Created and posted document makes a record in Exchange rate journal. 

Note: Currency exchange rate documents are not available for making copies.

To go to the Currency exchange rate 

1. On the Codejig ERP Main menu, click the Banking tab.
2. Under the Banking tab, click the Currency exchange rate.


More information

Create a New Currency Exchange Rate
Currency Exchange Rate: General Area