Employee: Tabs Section

Use this section to provide additional information about your employee.
Personal tab


Used to

Birth date, Gender, Marital status

If necessary, select the date ща ишкер, gender and marital status of the employee from in respective fields.

ID documents

Upload here the copy of legal state ID of employee issued by the government authority.

Additional info

If necessary, type in any additional information, notes or comments about the employee. Information in the field will be visible on the employee page or on the general listing page of company employees.

Contact tab fields/buttons


Used to

Phone, E-Mail

Type in active contact phone number and e-mail address.

Country, Region, City, ZIP-code, Street, House, Apartment

Fill in the physical address of employee accommodation.

Fill full address button

Click the button to fill in the Full address field below using the data from the address-related fields.

Full address

Full address of the employee, compiled from the data in the address-related fields.

Bookkeeping tab


Used to


Choose a bookkeeping account for salary accrual from a list.

More information
Create a New Employee
Employee: General Area