Company Account Page

The Company account page contains all the data about the company that the administrator has input while creating a Company Account.
Using this page, the administrator may change the Name, Phone and Billing address of the company, or create another Company Account.
The data in fields Country, Business ID, and VAT ID cannot be overridden by the administrator. If changes are required, contact the Codejig support specialist.
To change the data in the field Name, Phone or Billing address:

  1. On the Codejig Account Main menu click Company account.
  2. In case you administer multiple Company Accounts, choose the required one in the drop-down list of the Company field.
  3. Click Update.
  4. Provide necessary changes in fields.
  5. Click Save.

Note: To be able to save made changes, you have to fill in the required fields in which are marked with an asterisk (*).

To go to the Company account page:
1. On the Codejig Account Main menu click Company account.
More information
Codejig Account Main Menu