Financials Page: Details and Settlements Sections

The Details section of the Financials page contains the data on the current balance of your company, along with a detailed information about the next payment to be made. It includes the next payment amount, its date and period, included services that make up the payment amount, along with their amounts and quantities.
The Settlements section of the Financials page contains the list of all payments made by your company for a combination of Codejig products and licenses for them.
All the fields of this page, except for the Reporting period field, are for information purposes and cannot be overridden manually.
Fields of the section are the following:


Used for

Reporting period

The data for both the list of settlements and the diagram may be filtered by the last month, quarter or the year by using the Reporting period field.

You are also able to view the diagram for dynamic of payments and invoices amounts, split by months.

To build the diagram, click on the (pic) icon.


The field displays the date of the invoice that your company has received or the date of the payment that your company has made.


The field displays the name and numbering series of the payment made for the Codejig.


The field displays the name and numbering series of the invoice received from the Codejig.

A newly received invoice will be added to the top of the list of invoices and payments.

  • Click on the invoice name will take you to the page where you may download the invoice in the *.pdf format.


The field displays the purpose retrieved from the payment document or a note retrieved from the invoice.


The field displays the amount to be paid for the current invoice or amount of the payment made, depending on the type of document in respective Payment or Invoice field.


The field displays the balance after payment.

The amount in this field might be positive or negative.

  • The positive amount appears when your company has made the advanced payment before receiving the invoice.
  • The negative amount appears when you receive the invoice from Codejig and remains until the received invoice will be paid.

The payment period for the invoice begins when the invoice is received by your company and lasts for 14 calendar days.

More information
Financials Page
Codejig Account Main Menu