Provide Apix Settings

To provide Apix settings in Codejig ERP

1. On the Codejig ERP Main menu, click the Sales module, then click Invoice export tab, create a new entry and then on the form page click on the Settings button. 

A page for entering your registration information and identifiers assigned to your company by Apix opens.

2. Enter the following information:

  • URLs of web pages where you have entered registration information (in the API url field) and via which e-invoices can be sent (in the API url field) or received (in the Terminal url field). 
  • Username (in the User ID field) and password you have created to use Apix services. 
  • Your business ID (in the Company ID field).
  • Qualifier for your company's identifier (in the ID qualifier field).

3. Upon entering all the mentioned above information click the Get keys button to retrieve from Apix identifiers assigned to your company:

  • Application specific ID that is used for sending and receiving e-invoices (Transfer ID) and a related key that is a password for sending and receiving e-invoices (Transfer Key) 
  • Unique company identifier (Unique company ID).

4. Click Save.

To be able to save Apix settings, you have to fill in all required fields that are marked with an asterisk (*). 


More information

Invoice Export
Apix Settings
Apix Settings: General Area