Copy Purchase Documents

Each purchase document in the purchase process can be created directly from the preceding documents comprising the document flow. For instance, you can create a receipt from a purchase quotation or a purchase order. Codejig ERP copies all the relevant information from the purchase quotation or purchase order and transfers it to the receipt. Fields of the receipt document will be populated from the purchase quotation or purchase order fields.
Use Case
Your purchasing manager receives a purchase quotation from a vendor. After reviewing it, the manager accepts the purchase quotation and decides to order the quoted items. The purchasing manager converts the purchase quotation into a purchase order.
To create a purchase order from a purchase quotation
1. On the Codejig ERP Main menu, click the Purchase tab, and then click Purchase quotation.
A listing page of the Purchase quotation document opens.
2. On the listing page of the Purchase quotation document, click the Copy (pic) button beside the purchase quotation based on which you want to generate the purchase order.
3. From the list of purchase documents (into which you can convert the purchase quotation), select Purchase order.
  • From the list of created quotations, select and open a purchase quotation based on which you want to create a purchase order.  Then click the Copy (picture) button on the toolbar, and then select Purchase order.
Note: Two approaches presented above are based on the standard copying functions implemented in Codejig ERP, in particular, they are based on the Create function. For more information about copying functions, see Copy Data in Codejig ERP. Through the use of the standard copying functions, you can create multiple documents based on one purchase process document. However, only the first document created will continue the original purchase process following the document with reference to which it was created. All other documents will not explicitly refer to the base document and will form other purchase process flows in which they will be treated as the base documents commencing the process. 
  • On the Documents flow line at the top of the opened purchase quotation, click Purchase order.
    The Documents flow represents typical subsequent stages of the purchase process. For more information about the Document flow line, see Document flow line.
As a result, a new purchase order is created based on the purchase quotation. The system has copied data from the purchase quotation and transferred it to the purchase order.
Note: Using the Document flow line, you cannot create several documents based on one purchase process document. Only one document can be created from the specific document, and this document will continue the flow. Even if you create documents using the standard copying functions and not the Document flow line, such documents will also be displayed in the line representing the flow formed for a specific base document. However, the line will not display all documents created based on specific purchase process document. Only the first higher-level document created will be shown in the line.
After creating the purchase order, the purchasing manager can create subsequent documents in the purchase process flow similarly. If the purchasing manager was not compelled by company policy to create the purchase order or the purchase order had no modifications compared with the purchase quotation, the manager could have created the receipt from the purchase quotation.
Consult the table below to learn what documents can be created from each purchase document.



Purchase Quotation

Purchase order

Goods and Services receipt

Purchase invoice

Purchase Order

Goods and Services receipt

Purchase invoice

Goods and Services receipt

Purchase invoice

Purchase invoice

Make payment

Debit note


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