Post Revaluation Documents

To post a revaluation document

  • On the listing page of the Revaluation document, click the Post (pic) button next to the revaluation document (you want to post) table entry.


  1. Open the revaluation document you want to post.
  2. On the toolbar, click the Post (pic) button.

Set date of revaluation is the date for which all open transactions are found and revalued by using the exchange rates that are provided in the Currency exchange rate documents for the considered date.

The date becomes the last date of foreign currency revaluation for adjusted open transactions.

If you run the revaluation for an earlier date than the last revaluation date/dates, the revalued transactions will be modified based on adjusted amounts as of the earlier date. All revaluation documents that have later posting date and time will be batch reposted with corresponding adjustments introduced.

For example, a company located in Germany issued an invoice of 500.00 GBP on October 12. It converted to 450 EUR, at a rate of EUP/GBP = 0.9 as of the specific date. At the month-end, on October 31, the exchange rate fell to 0.88, the 500.00 GBP was worth 440 EUR. It was a reduction in the amount of 10 EUR that was an unrealized loss. However, the company decided to run the revaluation for October 19 without deleting the revaluation document for October 31, the following changes were be introduced:  

  1. 500.00 GBP was revalued at the exchange rate as of October 19 that is 0.89. The 500.00 GBP was revalued to be 445 EUR. The loss of 5 EUR was recorded to Transaction journal and Sales journal.
  2. The revaluation document of October 31, was be reposted and changes were introduced to its transactions based on the revaluation document dated October 19. The document revalued 500 EUR at the exchange rate of 0.88, working out that it was worth 440 EUR. However, on the last revaluation date 500.00 GBP had been worth 445.00 EUR. Thus, the loss of 5 EUR occurred compared to the last revaluation date. This unrealized loss was recorded to Transaction journal and Sales journal. So, the transactions and the amounts recorded by the revaluation document altered.     


More information

Posting and Unposting Functionality
Batch Posting and Unposting