Recognition: General Area

Use this area to automatically add to the document items to be recognized as fixed assets and to provide document-related details, such as a document number and date.

General area fields and buttons


Used for

Fill all

Click the Fill all button to add to the Fixed assets section all fixed assets which are marked with an asterisk (*). stock but have not been recognized as fixed assets as of the document date.


Select a specific document from which you want to copy items of the Fixed asset type that have not been recognized as fixed assets yet. You can retrieve such items only from documents which reflect their acquisition. Thus, at first, you have to select one of the following document types: Purchase Invoice, Goods and Services Receipt, Manual Transaction, Initial Balance, Product Assembly or Inventory Adjustment. Then you have to select a specific document of a chosen type from which you intend to transfer items for recognition.

  • If you wish to retrieve items from purchase invoice documents, you can only select purchase invoices that are not used as delivery.

Fill from consignment

Click the Fill from consignment button to retrieve all items to be recognized as fixed assets from the selected consignment document and transfer them to this recognition document.

Initial value

 Total initial value of all fixed assets listed in the Fixed assets section.

  • Total initial value is calculated automatically for informational purposes only.

Salvage value

Total salvage value of all fixed assets listed in the Fixed assets section.

  • Total salvage value is calculated automatically for informational purposes only.


Document number (#) is assigned automatically when you save the recognition document based on the selected numerator. Users with the appropriate permissions can override the auto-generated number and enter it manually. After overriding the recognition document number, automated numbering will proceed in the same manner but the manually set number as a start value.


Date field is automatically assigned the date and time when the new recognition document was created. The date and time specified designate the posting date and time and the document date and time. 

  • You can override the auto-generated date and enter it manually.
  • It is a required field. If the date is not specified, you will not be able to save the document.


Add any extra details regarding the recognition of fixed assets if needed.

More information

Create a New Recognition Document
Recognition: Adding fixed assets
Recognition: Fixed Assets Section