Recognition: Fixed Assets Section

Use this section to specify fixed assets for recognition.

Fixed assets that have to be recognized are added as line items.

The line item is a line structure that contains the fixed asset and its details. The line item is comprised of a number of fields, such as inventory number, fixed asset, initial value, salvage value and so on.
There are three ways how to add fixed assets for recognition. These ways are described in Recognition creation and Recognition: General area.

Line item fields


Used for

Inventory number

Select a unique inventory number that was created specifically for the specified fixed asset or create a new one.

If you click Create new, you will be taken to the page for adding a new inventory number. 

  • Inventory number has to be unique and previously unused in recognition documents. To check whether the particular inventory number was used earlier, you may go to the Reports module and build a Fixed asset balance report. The report will retrieve the total number of previously recognized fixed assets by their inventory numbers. In case the chosen inventory number is not unique, the document will not be saved and you will receive an error message.
  • It is a required field. If you do not select an inventory number, you will not be able to save the document.

Fixed asset

Manually select the fixed asset that you want to recognize.

  • Or, by clicking the Fill all / Fill from consignment buttons, you can automatically add all fixed assets that are in stock or are acquired with the chosen consignment document but have not been recognized as fixed assets as of the document date. 
  • It is a required field. If you leave the field empty, you will not be able to save the document. 


Select a warehouse, where the fixed asset required for recognition is supposed to be kept as of the document date.

  • It is an autocompleted field. A warehouse set as your company's default warehouse is suggested in this field. It is retrieved from the My company settings directory where the default warehouse was specified under the Inventory tab. Still, you can select an alternative warehouse instead of the default one if necessary. If you delete this autocompleted warehouse and do not select an alternative one, you will not be able to save the document.
  • If you add fixed assets automatically on click of the Fill all / Fill from consignment buttons, the warehouse is provided automatically for fixed assets being retrieved from the selected consignment document or an Inventory register
  • If there are no available fixed assets in the chosen warehouse and/or inventory account and negative balances are not allowed in the system, recognition will be forbidden and you will receive an error message while trying to post the document. Otherwise, the recognition of the fixed asset will be allowed, although its initial value will be equal to zero. 
  • If multiple warehouses are not allowed in the system (Multiple warehouses option is turned off in My company settings), this field will not be displayed on the form. The default warehouse selected in My company settings will be used for inventory or accounting transactions.

Method of depreciation

Select a method of depreciation for the chosen fixed asset.

  • It is an autocompleted field. The method of depreciation is retrieved from the respective item record created in the Item directory where default parameters for the fixed asset were specified under the Accounting tab. Still, you can select an alternative method of depreciation instead of the default one if necessary. If you delete the autocompleted method of depreciation and do not select an alternative one, you will not be able to save the document.
  • Right now, only the straight-line depreciation method is available in Codejig ERP.

Useful life  (months)

Specify the total number of months during which this fixed asset will be used and its value will be gradually written off on expenses as depreciation.

  • It is an autocompleted field. The useful life (months) is retrieved from the respective item record created in the Item directory where default parameters for the fixed asset were specified under the Accounting tab. Still, you can specify an alternative useful life (months) instead of the default one if necessary.
  • The stated number of months cannot be smaller than zero.

Initial value

Original cost of the fixed asset at which it was purchased, assembled, manufactured or acquired in any other way, including all additional expenses.

The initial value is defined automatically after filling in the fields Fixed asset and WarehouseYou are not able to change the initial value in the document.

In case there are several fixed assets of the same type in the chosen warehouse, the initial value of the fixed asset chosen in the document will be defined by the inventory valuation method set in My company settings.

If you choose the warehouse or inventory account which does not store the required fixed asset, the initial value will be equal to zero.

Salvage value

Specify the expected salvage value of the fixed asset at the end of its useful life.

  • By default, salvage value is equal to 0, although you may set the salvage value that is greater or smaller than zero.

Responsible person

Select a company employee responsible for the fixed asset.

Advanced line item fields

Not all line item fields are displayed by default. To enable such fields, you have to turn on the extended mode for line item by clicking the More button above the list of items.

On enabling the extended mode, the following fields appear:


Used for

Inventory account

Select an inventory account where the fixed asset required for recognition is supposed to be kept as of the document date. The inventory account will be credited with the cost of the fixed asset that is calculated according to the valuation method chosen in My company settings.

    • It is an autocompleted field. The inventory account is retrieved from the respective item record created in the Item directory where default accounts for the fixed asset were specified under the Accounting tab. Still, you can select an alternative inventory account instead of the default one if necessary. If you delete this autocompleted account and do not select an alternative account of the same type, this account will be once again autocompleted when you save the document.
    • If you add fixed assets automatically on click of the Fill all / Fill from consignment buttons, the account is provided automatically for fixed assets which have not been recognized yet.
    • If there are no available fixed assets on the chosen inventory account and negative balances are not allowed in your company’s inventory settings, recognition will be forbidden and you will receive an error message while trying to post the document. If negative balances are enabled in the system, the recognition of the fixed asset will be allowed, although its initial value will be equal to zero.  

Fixed asset account

A fixed asset account to which the original cost of the fixed asset is debited after the item has been recognized as a fixed asset. 

  • It is an autocompleted field. The fixed asset account is retrieved from the respective item record created in the Item directory where default accounts for the fixed asset were specified under the Accounting tab. Still, you can select an alternative fixed asset account instead of the default one if necessary. If you delete this autocompleted account and do not select an alternative account of the same type, this account will be once again autocompleted when you save the document.

Depreciation account

A fixed asset account to which accumulated depreciation of the fixed asset will be recorded after the depreciation accrual triggered by the Depreciation document.

  • It is an autocompleted field. The depreciation account is retrieved from the respective item record created in the Item directory where default accounts for the fixed asset were specified under the Accounting tab. Still, you can select an alternative depreciation account instead of the default one if necessary. If you delete this autocompleted account and do not select an alternative account of the same type, this account will be once again autocompleted when you save the document.

Expense account

An expense account to which depreciation expenses will be recorded after the depreciation accrual triggered by the Depreciation document.

  • It is an autocompleted field. The expense account is retrieved from the respective item record created in the Item directory where default accounts for the fixed asset were specified under the Accounting tab. Still, you can select an alternative expense account instead of the default one if necessary. If you delete this autocompleted account and do not select an alternative account of the same type, this account will be once again autocompleted when you save the document.

If you want to turn off the extended mode, click the Less button.

Note: After turning off the extended mode, advanced item details will persist.

More information

Create a New Recognition Document
Recognition: Adding fixed assets
Recognition: General Area