Item: Stock Tab

Use the Stock tab to see the in-stock balance of an item, its quantities reserved for sale or expected from purchase. Balance information is provided for each warehouse that stores the item. 
The Stock tab is a report that pertains to all item types.  For items which are subject to inventory management (services, non-inventory items, deferred expenses), the report shows only amounts reserved for sale or purchase but not in-stock balances. Потрібно перевірити.
The report is not available for newly created items as there is no inventory data to be processed by the report yet. Only when certain inventory transactions for a new item take place, the report retrieves and analyzes information from those transactions and render it in the generated table.  
To view the in-stock balance of the item, set a date for which you want to see balances (in the Initial balance date field) and select a type of balance you want to display (in the field Type of balances).
For the date indicated, item balances are provided in the Totals section including the fields explained below. Values in the fields forming the Totals section are calculated automatically for informational purposes only. Totals section fields are disabled for editing and cannot be overridden.
Note: Item balances are calculated regardless of the selected type of balance.


Used for displaying

Total quantity

The total quantity of the item as on the indicated date. The total quantity includes the in stock quantity, the reserved quantity and the expected quantity.

  • Only quantities that are rendered in the report are summarized. If certain filters are applied excluding particular quantities from the reports, those quantities will not be added to form the total quantity.
Total amount


The total value of the item as on the indicated date. It is The sum of all values of the in stock quantity, the reserved quantity and the expected quantity.

  • Only values that are rendered in the report are summarized. If certain filters are applied excluding particular values from the reports, those values will not be added to form the total amount.
Types of balance:
  • Stock balances
If you select the stock balances type, you will get the following information in the created report:


Used for displaying


Indicates whether the item is in-stock, expected or reserved.

Inventory account

Inventory account to which the item was attributed.


Warehouse in which the item is stored.

Warehouse section

A warehouse compartment in which the item is stored if any.


The quantity of the item that is either in stock or expected to be received from a particular vendor or reserved by a specific vendor.

  • Item quantity is calculated for each warehouse where the item is stored.
  • Multiple statuses may be assigned to different quantities of the item. For each item status, the total quantity of the item to which this status was assigned is calculated.  


An average price of one item. It is calculated the following way being broken down for individual customers, vendors or warehouses:

Amount / Quantity


The value of the calculated quantity of the item (in stock/expected/reserved). The worked out value is broken down for individual customers, vendors or warehouses.

  • Extended stock balances
For the extended stock balances type, all the details present in the stock balances report are displayed as well along with the following information:


Used for displaying


A document that recorded consigned items as inventory (for example, purchase invoices, goods and services receipts and product assembly documents, etc.).


Displays a vendor from whom the item has been purchased or ordered.


Displays a customer who has reserved or purchased the item. 

Delivery/shipment date

Date when the item has been or is to be delivered (if the item was purchased) or is to be shipped (if the item was sold).