
Dashboard on the start page is the first thing that you will see after logging into your ERP account. Goal of a Dashboard page is to give you a quick glimpse on the financial situation of your company.
Main portion of the Dashboard page take diagrams, graphs and tables. Those are:
  • Invoices Pie diagram
Invoice is a commercial document that seller issues for a buyer when sell transaction is made.
Diagram shows the ratio between Open invoices, meaning the invoices that were issued to a buyer but not yet paid and Received advances, meaning the advanced payments made by a buyer.
Diagram takes data from the sales journal in the SALES module.
  • Purchase Invoices Pie diagram
Purchase invoice is a commercial document that states the amount of money that the company has to pay for its purchase to a second party.
Diagram shows the ratio between Open purchase invoices, meaning the purchase invoices that were not yet paid by your company and Paid advances, meaning the advance payments already made by your company.
Diagram takes data from the purchase journal in the PURCHASE module.
Pointing on any part of the Invoices and Purchase invoices diagrams shows its color, name and amount next to the pointer.
  • Customize charts table
Table gives an option to chose the time period for diagrams on the Dashboard. In order to select the dates, click on the field below Date from and select a date in the appeared calendar. Repeat with the field below Date to and click the blue Refresh button below the Date to.
  • Income and Expense graph
Graph represents the dynamics of Income, meaning the amounts that company receives in exchange for its goods, services or through investments, and Expense, meaning amounts that company has to pay for goods, services etc.
Graph takes data from the TIMELINE module.
Pointing on any point located on the graph shows its brief date, color, name and amount next to the pointer.
  • Bank accounts table
Table represents all the company existing bank accounts, specifically their Name, Currency and Balance. Above is the Add new button and a filter field for selected objects. Click on the Add new button takes you to a Bank account page.
Table takes data from the Bank account page of the BANKING module.
  • Top Expenses vertical chart
This section displays your top expenses across different categories in the form of a pie chart. These pie charts are generated based on the Expense by Category report of your organization. Chart shows dynamics in terms of dates and amounts and ratio between the top 5 expenses and the Other. Other category represents the sum of all the other expenses.
Chart takes data from from the TIMELINE module and names of expenses categories from the Chart of accounts. Chart has to be previously chosen in the ERP application. 
  • Top Incomes vertical chart
Chart shows dynamics in terms of dates and amounts and ratio between the top 5 incomes and the Other. Other category represents the sum of all the other incomes.

Chart takes data from the TIMELINE module and names of income categories from the Chart of accounts. Chart has to be previously chosen in the ERP application.
Pointing on any part of the Top Expenses and Top Invoices vertical chart shows its brief date, color, name and amount next to the pointer.
ERP app allows you to customize the view of any diagram, graph or chart by choosing a specific set of parameters in the diagram legend below the diagram. In order to take out of the picture or bring back any of the parameters, click on its name in the legend.
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