Lead: General Area

Use this area to add the contact and status information about the new lead, both on your side and the side of a lead company.


On the side of a lead:


Used to


Choose the title that will be used before the surname or full name as a sign of respect.

Contact name

Provide the name for the lead.

  • It is a required field. If you do not provide a name for the contact, you will not be able to save the document.

Company name

Type in or insert a name of the company that lead belongs to.

  • It is a required field. If you do not provide a name of the company, you will not be able to save the document.

Lead source

Select a source from which you have found out about the lead, from a drop-down list, or create a new source.


Document number (#) is assigned automatically when you save the lead document based on the selected numerator.

Users with the appropriate permissions can override the auto-generated number and enter it manually.

After overriding the lead document number, automated numbering will proceed in the same manner but using the manually set number as a start value.

Lead status

Status of the interaction of your company with the lead.


Each lead in the system has one of the following statuses:


Used to


Initial status of the lead in the system.

In progress

Status indicates that certain actions towards the lead have been taken.


Contact in any form was made with the lead.


Closing status. After the contact, the lead will either become a client or inactive.


You may manually change the status of the lead in the system.


On the side of your company:


Used to


Select an employee responsible for the lead from a drop-down list or create a new one.

Created contact

Name of the contact that was created based on the lead. After click on the Create company & contact button field will fill in automatically.

Created company

Name of the company that was created based on the lead. After click on the Create company & contact button field will fill in automatically.


Based on the created lead you may later create a new company and contact person, by clicking on the Create company & contact button. The system will open a new window for the company with information copied from the lead.

More information

Create a New Lead
Lead: Tabs Section