Incoterms: General Area

The page for defining new Incoterms term consists only of the General area. It includes the following fields and options:


Used for


Enter a short name (abbreviation) for the Incoterms term.

  • It is a required field. If you do not provide the abbreviation for the term, you will not be able to save it.

Full name

Enter a full name of the term.

Shipment address

Provide the address for the delivery, that will be used together with the Incoterms term by default, as required.


Add any additional description of the term if required.


Turn off the Inactive option if you want to activate the term to be able to select it from the lists for the Incoterms field in various documents and directories. Turn this option on, if you want to deactivate a previously active term. Or, while creating a new term, keep this option turned on to make it inactive.

Inactive terms will not be available for selection or use and will be accessible only on the listing page of the Incoterms directory.


Incoterms number (#) is assigned automatically when you save the term based on the selected numerator.

Users with the appropriate permissions can override the auto-generated number and enter it manually.

After overriding the number, automated numbering will proceed in the same manner but using the manually set number as a start value.


Add any notes or comments about the measurement unit if needed.

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