Type attributes

Type attributes in Codejig ERP define the characteristics, behaviors, and interactions of data types within the system. These attributes range from system-level configurations to UI and database settings.

List of Type Attributes

  1. Core Attributes

    • typeKind: Specifies the kind of the data type, like PRIMITIVE, DIRECTORY, EMBEDDED.
    • systemName: The internal reference name used within the application and database.
    • isPredefined: Indicates if the type is a system predefined.
    • isSystem: Specifies whether the type is an integral part of the system core.

  2. Database and System Attributes

    • tableName: Specifies the corresponding database table name.
    • defaultLoadedBlockId: References the default loaded block for type operations.
    • sharedFieldsIds: Lists IDs of shared fields across different data types.

  3. UI and Formatting Attributes

    • metaObjectTreeViewKind: Customizes how the type is displayed in tree structures.
    • formatter: Dictates format applied to the data type when displayed.

  4. Security and Permission Attributes

    • permission: Controls access levels and permissions associated with the type.
    • checkPermissionForRowsSeparately: Indicates if permission checks are enforced at the row level.

  5. Configuration and Operational Attributes

    • openInstancesMode: Determines how instances of the type are accessed.
    • enableTrackingKind: Specifies tracking type like change history.
    • documentPostOnSaveKind: Manages document handling upon saving.

  6. Primitive Type Properties

    • primitiveEntityType: Provides specific primitive type, such as INTEGER, DECIMAL.
    • primitiveTypeProperties: Collection of properties for field varieties like stringHasTranslationsisNullable, etc..

  7. Unclassified/System Attributes

    • clientId: Unique client-specific identifier.
    • clientState: ?.
    • isHidden: Determines visibility of type within UI components.
    • isHiddenInBlocksAutocomplete: Manages autocomplete visibility.
    • allowUnsafeBlocks: Defines if unsafe block operations are permissible.
    • appReadOnlySystemInstances: Indicates if instances are read-only within applications.
    • groupFilter: Applies group-based filters to data.
    • dataSourceId: The identifier for the data source utilized.

This comprehensive list provides critical information for developers and users interacting with Codejig ERP data types, enhancing understanding and management of applications.