Group Report Data


In Codejig ERP, you can group data by rows and by columns.
Grouping by Rows
To group data by rows, you have to add fields by which you want to group data by rows in the rows section. Usually, you add non-numeric fields here. You do that as follows:
1. On the page for configuring report parameters, click the Customize button.
2. In the rows section, click the Select an option box, and then select a field by which you want to group data.
The selected field is displayed in the rows section. It is a group that forms a row in the report.
1. Add other fields similarly if you need more groupings.
2. Generate the report to see the data grouped by rows according to the selected fields.
In the generated report, added groupings are not represented in form of a list but instead in form of a hierarchy displayed as a tree structure. So, groupings are displayed inside groupings. The hierarchy is formed by the order in which you add fields. The field which you add first becomes the grouping of the highest level, and the subsequent fields are groupings of lower levels with each grouping being nested within the grouping of a higher level.
In the generated report, the rows can be expanded or collapsed at every level to show/hide the nested groupings and sublevel details.
To extend/collapse the grouping
  • Click the arrow to the right of the row.
To remove a grouping, delete a field forming it. To do that
1. On the page for configuring report parameters, click the Customize button.
2. In the rows section, click the cross icon next to the field you wish to remove.
Higher-level grouping
For certain selected groupings, you can enable a higher-level grouping, if possible. The higher-level grouping is available only for grouping fields representing documents for which a tree structure exists, the field occupying a certain position in this tree hierarchy.
This option identifies the top level of the hierarchy and all lower levels down to the level formed by the grouping field and reproduces this tree structure in the report to provide a further grouping at higher levels of organization.
Since the selected grouping field occupies a certain position in the hierarchy specified, the parent level of the hierarchy/tree structure containing this field is identified and displayed in the report to provide a further grouping at a higher level of organization.
For example, if you group data in a report by Accounts and enable the higher-level grouping for them, instead of being presented in the form of a list, accounts will be organized first by account groups, if any, account groups in their turn will be organized by account subcategories, and account subcategories finally will be grouped by major account categories.
So, the tree structure of the document represented by the grouping field is reproduced/ reflected in the report.
To enable such grouping for a row
  • Click the Folder icon beside a field forming the row.
Folder icon turns blue to indicate that the higher-level grouping is enabled.
To disable the grouping
  • Click the same Folder icon again.
Folder icon turns transparent again to indicate that the higher-level grouping is disabled.
Note: By default, the higher-level grouping is disabled.
If the higher-level grouping is unavailable for the row, its activation will not affect data representation at the level of the particular row.   
Grouping by Columns
To group data by columns, you have to add fields by which you want to group data by columns in the columns section. Usually, you add non-numeric fields here.
In this section, you add and remove fields in the same way as in the rows section.
The order in which you add fields forms the grouping vertical hierarchy with each grouping level being displayed as a header under/ above a header of a higher/lower level groupings.
To reorder the fields, you have to delete them and add again in a particular order.  
Note: If you add date and time fields for grouping data by columns, you have to select a time span as a grouping parameter, whether it is a year, a month of year, day of month, etc.
However, no higher-level grouping can be applied to groupings by columns. Also, column groupings cannot be extended or collapsed.