Country: General Area

Country details page includes the following fields and options:

Field/ Option

Used for


Enter a country name.

  • It is a required field. If you do not provide a name for the country, you will not be able to save the country.

VAT area

Select to which VAT area a country belongs if any.

VAT area is a territory that consists of countries and territories that follow common rules on VAT.

By default, VAT area is indicated for EU member states. It is EU VAT area.

Inactive option

Turn off the Inactive option if you want to activate the country to be able to select it from the lists for the Country field in various records.  Turn this option on, if you want to deactivate a previously active country. Or, while creating a new country, keep this option turned on to make it inactive.

Inactive countries will not be available for selection or use and will be accessible only on the listing page of the Country directory.  


Enter a two-letter country code for the specific country as defined in ISO-3166-1.

ISO Numeric Code

Enter a three-digit country code for the specific country as defined in ISO-3166-1.

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