Create a New Balance Type


To create a new balance type
1. On the Codejig ERP Main menu, navigate to the Settings module, and then select Balance type.
A listing page of the Balance type opens.
2. On the listing page, click + Add new.
You are taken to a page for defining the new balance type.
3. In the General area, provide a name for the balance type, activate the type, if you wish to use it, indicate whether this balance type should be a default balance type.
4. In the Balance items section, create balance items to be paired with this balance type and define the organizational format for this balance type by creating a hierarchical tree structure in which each balance item will form certain level.
5. Click Save.
Note: While creating balance types from scratch, be sure to consult and strictly follow the guidelines of an accounting network you want to implement.
The page for defining new balance types consists of the following sections:
  • General area
  • Balance items section
  • Accounts section 

To be able to save new balance types, you have to fill in the required fields which are marked with an asterisk (*).

More information 

Balance Item: General Area
Balance Type: Balance Items Section
Balance Type: Accounts Section