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- Інтерфейс користувача і навігація
- Merge Page
Merge Page
Merge Tool is a special functionality, which allows you to transfer data (types, fields, blocks, views, etc.) between builders.
You can navigate to Merge Tool from Sidebar menu.
When you open the tool you see:
- Comparison tree on the left side.
- Table component in the center.
- Filters panel with sort of switchers on the right side.
Comparison tree shows you difference between two builders - your current builder and other.
The other builder is one that is used as 'Base builder' for yours in Dashboard App.
Whole data decoupled to items, which are shown in tree and can be individually managed in Table component.
Your builder is marked as 'A' and other builder is marked as 'B'.
In case data behind tree item differs you will see red circle icon.
In case data is present only in one builder but not in the other you will see corresponding letter A or B, builder indicator the data come from.
Otherwise data is present in both builder and is the same, in this case you will see black cirle icon.
Table component is a playgroud for you, where you can choose whether keep your changes for item or get remote data leaf from other builder.
As you activate node in Tree Table component will render all subtree items.
You can see whole list activating root node.
Any changes in Filters panel require Tree reload, after the reload you wiil see different picture due to some data types or languages wiil not be taken into consideration comparing data in builders.
Merge process
All data items you have choosen will be transfered to your builder as you press 'Merge' button. This may take some time to finish.