Text Resources Page

The purpose of text resources is to provide internationalized text content for use in the application. To create one, use the "Resources" ==> "Text Resources" section in the main menu of a builder. Text resources can be either multilingual or not, and this is selected during the creation of text resources. Then fill in the key and value, and in the case of a multilingual one, change language in the top bar and fill value in the selected language.

To use text resources in the block editor, open the "Texts" section from the Data panel and select text resource instance to connect with the text blocks. Text resource (in case of multilingual string resource - in user's language) will be applied into the target, where the block is connected.

It's possible to use placeholders "{N}", where is N is a number value starting from 0. 

Placeholders can be filled in later when using text resources in the block editor using the "format" block.