Generate a New Invoice

To generate a new invoice by using the Invoice generator:
  1. From the Codejig ERP Main menu go to the Sales module and click Invoice generator.

A listing page of generation entries opens.

  1. On a listing page, click +Add new button.

You are taken to the form page to generate the new invoice(s).


  1. On the form page select the type of filling and type of invoice generation.

Select both types from drop-down lists in the Type of filling and Type of invoice generation fields respectively.

  1. After selecting the types, click the Fill button.

The system will create a list of sales orders and delivery entries that did not yet had invoices created based on them.

  1. Fill all the required information in the fields of Ordered and delivered items section. To edit the table entries click the Show by items button. After filling in all the required information, click the Save button.

The system will save all enlisted orders and deliveries in the system and the invoice generator entry on its listing page. 

  1. When fields of Ordered and delivered items section are completely filled with all required sales orders and/or delivery entries, click the Generate invoices button.

The system will offer a list of completely filled invoices in the Generated invoices tab, where items will be sorted by the Customer in alphabetic order, and then – by currency, in case there are several invoices for one customer in different currencies. The currency of the system (set in My company settings) will be the first one. Invoices will also be saved on the Invoices page in Sales module.

In order to input generated invoices to the system, you will have to post them manually.

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