
Formatters are used to set a default format for the display of primitive data types or to create custom formats.

For example, you can configure whether a date is shown as 15.01.2020 or 01/15/2020; a number as 1000 or 1000 USD; a character string as John or JOHN.


Add a custom formatter


On the formatter builder page, click on the blue Add button at the top.

On the pop-up window, select the primitive data type from a dropdown list and write an HTML pattern. Write the word “value” between the “%” character. Your text will replace it in the future.

A new custom formatter has been created:

Note: you can only modify the default formatters. For example, you can make a bold TEXT from an uppercase TEXT.

Copy formatter id

Click on the three dots on the most right column of the formatters table.

To copy an ID, click on the “Copy id: ***num***”.

Make formatter default

The view of primitive types depends on the default formatters most of the time (if another one is not specified manually).

To change a default formatter, click on the three dots on the most right column of the formatters table. Then select the “Make default” button.

Delete a formatter

You can delete only custom formatters.

Click on the three dots on the most right column of the formatters table.

To delete a custom formatter, click on the “Delete” button.