Purchases Report

The Purchases Report provides a comprehensive analysis of your organization’s purchase from vendors. You specify the period of the report to limit the scope of the analysis. The report fetches the data for the analysis from the Purchase journal. So, to get accurate and precise Purchases reports, make sure that all your purchase documents are posted.

The Purchases Report comprises the following information:

  • Purchase volume for each vendor
  • Accounting details related to/of Purchase transactions with each vendor
  • Invoices issued to each vendor that initiated purchase transactions together with their amounts.
  • Employees who issued purchase invoices and purchase volume generated by them.

The basic report displays total purchase from vendors, with you being able to view further purchase details for each vendor. For example, you can drill down and view specific accounts affected by purchase transactions with a particular vendor. Then, for each account, you can see which purchase invoices triggered transactions being recorded on it. Finally, for each invoice, you can find an employee issuing it.

The report displays summarized amounts at each level of the report in your company’s (your local) currency and in the vendor’s currency. The summarized amounts are grouped by currencies, and then by years and months.

To go to the Purchases report
1. On the Codejig ERP Main menu, click the Reports tab.
2. Under the Reports tab, click the Purchases folder, and then select Purchases report.

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