Page properties

Page properties panel is used to set up and edit options, applicable to the web page only. These properties are not related to any other web page view or data type.

To open the Page properties panel on the web pages editor, click on the “more” button on the right side of the screen and open the Page properties tab. You can close the panel by clicking on the “less” button.

Name: Set the name of the web page view. This name is visible in Builder only for developers to differentiate this view from others.

CSS Theme: dropdown list. Apply a CSS Theme to your web page.

Show header: if the checkbox is on, the header will be displayed on the web page. The header is the rectangle on the top of the web page containing the Logo, Icons (info, language, list, and wrench), and App name.

Show toolbar: display/hide the toolbar panel (one at the top of the working area with the page name and Save and close button).

Page title: set the page’s title displayed on the browser toolbar (in the Application).

Add string view to title:  if the checkbox is on, the title (displayed on the browser toolbar) is equal to the default string view of the current data type and the Page title specified above.

Page Head Entries: modify the <head></head> tag on the web page HTML code. You can add title, style, meta, link, and base tags here.

Read only: the page will always be loaded in the read-only mode, and no one can edit it.

Load in edit mode: if the checkbox is on, the page will open in the edit mode, where the user can immediately change everything. If the checkbox is off, the page will be loaded in the “View” mode, and the user would click on the “Update” button to start editing the page.

Track changes on page: if the option is on and when the user leaves the page with unsaved changes, the warning will appear asking to save the changes. If the option is off, the user can leave the page without saving it.

Custom resources: add JS, CSS files, or icons from the custom resources page.

Static response: you can specify a fixed response to be used by browsers and crawlers. For example, you can mock up the content to increase the page rank of your website, or you can get rid of annoying crawlers.

Static response for crawler: if the option is on and when the crawler visits the page, it will get the data specified in the Static response field instead of the page elements.

Static response for browser: if the option is on, the browser will get the data specified in the Static response field.